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What About Fish? November 17, 2008

Posted by paripl110707 in Daily Supplement, Fatty Meat, Fish Oil, Hard Margarines, Omega 3, Shortenings and Lard, Uncategorized.
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Definitely eat fish—particularly omega 3—rich fish such as lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon.  The fatty acids in fish decrease lesion formation inflammation, platelet aggregation, and triglyceride levels.

Those who don’t consume two fish meals per week may want to ask their health care provider about taking 1 gram of fish oil per day.  In one study of more that 11,000 heart attack survivors, daily supplements equivalent to one fatty-fish meal reduced the risk of sudden cardiac death.  Researchers believe that consuming fish-oil fats helps stabilize heart muscle cells, making them more resistant to arrhythmia.

Which foods should I avoid from now on?

Sharply reduce intake of saturated and trans fats.  These fats raise blood cholesterol and contributre to atherosclerosis. Avoid’ fatty meats, whole-milk products, processed foods such as bakery items, hard margarines, shortenings, and lard.

Do I have to worry about sodium?

That depends.   Not everyone who has cardiac problems needs to restrict sodium, but those who have high blood pressure, congestive heart failure or a severely damaged heart should be especially vigilant.  Reducing sodium reduces blood pressure, which helps lower heart attack and stroke risk.  To go sallt-free season your food with chopped fresh dried herbs, spices, lemon juice and zest or high-quality flavored vinegars.

Moderate alcohol consumption may reduce heart attack risk and read wine contains added antioxidant benefits.