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Natural ways to lower blood pressure – 1 January 5, 2009

Posted by paripl110707 in Better Feeling, Business of Living, Convention Theraphy, Fine-tuning, Good Sleep, Natural ways, Saving Life, Stress-induced Hormones.
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In going about the business of living, one thing is certain. The constant routine that structures our life may at times need a little fine-tuning. Much like a radio when we are searching for the perfect frequency, there is a desire to get the sound just right.

Here are things that may be small but could impact your health and well-being. They may make you feel better and, possibly, even save your life.

Lower your blood pressure naturally

If you are one of unlucky millions whose blood pressure soars beyond the normal, take heart. There is always hope.

Did you know there are natural ways to control your blood pressure? Tell your doctor you plan to use natural medicine in combination with convention therapy. Here’s how:

Take magnesium supplements. Studies have shown that this mineral, which is found in milk, yoghurt and kefir (a potent probiotic milk protein food), neutralizes stress-induced hormones that hike blood pressure. Take your daily dosage of magnesium or drink half a cup of kefir twice daily. This also calms the nerves and promotes good sleep.

Lose weight. By shedding 10 lb, you will instantly lower your blood pressure.

Walk daily for 30-45 minutes. Regular exercise releases feel-good hormones and promotes weight loss.

Meditate. Prayer and meditation are proven to reduce stress.


Ref: dailyinquirer/Cory Quirino – World of Wellness, the health, beauty and wellness