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Ampalaya for diabetes? – 2 January 12, 2009

Posted by paripl110707 in Dieting, Physical Exercise, Sumptuos Ampalaya.
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The 2003 Circular

“Ampalaya…is not intended to treat, prevent, mitigate, cure or diagnose (diabetes) disease,” said Leticia B. Gutierrez, Director of the Philippine Bureau of Food and Drugs (BPAD) in her position paper released August 29, 2003.

Cebu Daily News

Safe as an Aid

While eating the sumptuous ampalaya vegetable and leaves can conceivably aid in the management of diabetes, using this alone, or taking ampalaya preparations alone, as an alternative method of treatment for diabetes, abandoning anti-diabetes medication prescribed by the physician, is most unsafe.
With the advent of these widely advertised ampalaya pills and drinks “for diabetes,” there have been cases reported where diabetic patients unwittingly discontinued taking their prescription drugs and replaced them with ampalaya capsules, who went into coma, some of them dying. The ampalaya preparations were obviously not potent enough to control the diabetes.

Among those with pre-diabetes, people who are prone to develop the disease but who do not have the full-blown diabetes yet, physical exercises and dieting can significantly delay, and in some cases prevent, the onset of diabetes. It is conceivable that this pre-diabetic stage is where eating ampalaya regularly or using the ampalaya pills or tea as a part of the delaying regimen might be of real benefit in warding off the disease for as long as possible.


Ref: dailyinquirer